• Motorola RLN6511 Small Hearing Protectors

    Motorola RLN6511 Small Hearing Protectors

    Model Number:  RLN6511

    Small Hearing Protectors

    The EP7 Sonic Defenders Ultra Earplugs come in small (RLN6511), medium (RLN6512), and large (RLN6513) sizes to protect your hearing without blocking your ability to hear routine sounds or conversations. With a foam-tipped stem design and soft memory-foam Comply Canal Tips, these comfortable earplugs have a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 28dB. Safe sounds are allowed to pass through into the ear canal, while potentially harmful noises (above 85dB) are reduced through a filter. Filter caps are included and can be inserted for additional hearing protection or removed for use with surveillance kits.* With a patented EarLock® technology to hold them in place, all-day comfort, and a low-profile design, these earplugs can be worn while wearing a helmet or mask, or while using a phone or heavy duty headset. Lanyard is included in each earplug kit, as shown in picture.

    *EP7 earpiece will not provide full 28dB Noise Reduction when the noise-reducing filter is removed.

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